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Fiscais da Natureza TV Program
São Judas TV Program
SBT Television
Reporter Eco TV Program
Jô TV Program
Reporter Eco TV Program
National Geographic making of - Amazon
Cutura Television - Images for Conservation
Making of - São Francisco River
Brazilian Merganser - National Geographic
Reporter Eco Program - São Francisco River
Reporter Eco Program - Brazilian Caves
Cultura Television - Maned Wolf
Jô TV Program - Caves and Travels
TEDx Talk - Different ways of living
TEDx Talk - We are humanity
Cultura Television - A Trip around the World
Planeta Program - Shots for Conservation
TEDx Talk - Sense of Community
Cultura Television - Jaguars in Pantanal
Marina Machado Program
Latin America Magazine
Projetar Magazine
Gooutside Magazine
Casper Magazine
Minas Gerais State Journal
TAM Flight Magazine